500 kHz / 5 MHz 锁相放大器 HDAWG 任意波形发生器 MFIA 阻抗分析仪 HF2PLL 锁相环 8.5 GHz 量子分析仪 600 MHz Boxcar 平均器



An Integrated Qubit Control System

Zurich Instruments launches the SHFQC Qubit Controller.

量子计算测控系统: 新一代量子分析仪

实现高效、高保真度量子态读取和构建高度可扩展量子系统是实现量子计算的重要战略目标。Zurich Instruments 将于 2021 年 3 月 4 日在中国区举行网络研讨会,新一代量子比特读取设备——SHFQA 超高频量子分析仪。研讨会的主要内容将覆盖 SHFQA 的原理,优势和实例演示,如单通道读取 16 个量子比特及主动重置反馈。

Quantum User Meeting in London

The Meeting will be held on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2018 and is jointly organized with the London Centre for Nanotechnology (LCN). Save the dates and stay tuned for updates to an exciting program of international speakers, tutorials, LCN lab tours and social event!


SampleInstrument is a strategic distributor and key partner of Zurich instruments in China. We focused on optoelectronic products with rapid development in recent years.The company is specialized in product and Application Research of test and measurement technology integrating production, system integration and technical service.

Whether you want to overcome obstacles for innovation, transform your development process, or want to be the leader in the market, SampleInstrument will provide professional technology and verify the future technology for you.
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